Course Information
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Normal Admission: Degree holders |
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Special Admission: Consideration of other qualifications and experience |
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Admission by interview for all applicants |
To enrol, all applicants are required to: | |
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be over 18 years of age |
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complete the course Application Form, referring to the Terms and Conditions therein |
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pay the Application Fee |
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comply with any course prerequisites |
In addition, AMI Montessori Diploma course applicants are required to provide the following documentation with their application: | |
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Current resume |
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Certified copies of all tertiary qualifications |
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Short autobiographical essay to describe your past experiences and future direction, particularly relating to working with children. It must be written by the applicant in their own words, be typed, and of 2 pages in length. The essay should address the following questions: - Why do you wish to follow Montessori training? - How did you first learn about the course? |
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Three signed reference letters, two professional in nature and one character reference |
In order to receive the diploma the following requirements must be met: successful written and oral examinations, submission of acceptable albums in all areas, materials as required, observation and observation reports, practice teaching as scheduled. Students deferred for any part of the examinations must retake that part the subsequent year and may resit only once. Students deferred for any part of the other requirements must fulfil that part the subsequent year. Should the training centre not hold a course and therefore examination in the subsequent year, the Director of Training will advise an alternate AMI training centre where the student may sit the examinations. All the expenses involved are for the account of the student. Students who fail Paper A and Paper B of the written examination and the oral examinations have failed the course.
Montanaro, Silvana | Understanding the Human Being |
Montessori, Maria | Education for a New World |
Montessori, Maria | The Absorbent Mind |
Montessori, Maria | The Child in the Family |
Montessori, Maria | The Discovery of the Child |
Montessori, Maria | The Formation of Man |
Montessori, Maria | The Secret of Childhood |
Medical Text (provided by ACMS) | |
Books can be ordered from http://montessoribooks.com.au. |
Elliot, Lise | What's Going On In There? |
Ericson, Eric | Childhood and Society |
Kaplan, Louise | Oneness and Separateness |
Montague, Ashley | Touching |
Standing, E.M. | Maria Montessori, Her Life and Work |
Stern, Daniel | The Interpersonal World of he Infant |
Stern, Daniel | World of the Infant |
Books can be ordered from http://montessoribooks.com.au. |
Course Units
Theory and Psychology
To include: Child Development/ the Role of the Adult / the Role of the Environment
All lectures converge around the central concept of education as a help to life, the Study of the Child, Family & Community, and Human Relations, Self Awareness in Young Children. Special consideration is given to the development of movement, early language activities, and independence.
Provides background information on Anatomy, Physiology and Obstetrics.
Provides background information on Nutrition.
Provides background information on Hygiene.
Provides the student with comprehensive information on the child’s personality development and child neuropsychiatry. Additional information given to students includes Early childhood educators and contemporary issues in education; Special educational needs; Child health and safety.
Methodology by Subject
Activities for Visual, Tactile and Auditory Experiences, Eye-Hand Coordination and to support the Development of Equilibrium.
Provides practical information on how to create a simple, inexpensive, effective environment for the child at home.
Provides practical information on how to create a simple, inexpensive, effective environment for the child at home.
Practical guidance and principles on how to start communities for infants and toddlers an infant community environment. To include the people working there, the amount of space (e.g. for sleeping, feeding, physical care, movement, etc.) covering the ages: 2 months – 14/16 months; and 14/16 months – 2/3 years.
Language/Movement/Music and Art Activities. Exercises of Practical Life, to include care of the person, care of the environment (indoor and outdoor), Grace and Courtesy, Movement of Furniture, Food (organisational, preparation, and children’s activities).
Practicum and Observation
Supervised practice workshops in which the student undertakes, over the course of the study programme, to complete the required amount of supervised practical work with the various materials in order to understand both their theoretical and practical applications. Sessions are structured to create a dynamic situation in which students can individually demonstrate how they would practically present activities to the child and then to discuss constructively with the group the effectiveness of that presentation and its essential elements. To relate the practicalities of the materials in respect of the development of the child.
Observation is at the core of the Montessori guide’s work. During the course students undertake 250 observation hours of children of different ages. Work experience for a mandatory number of hours in 0-3 environments must also be completed satisfactorily. Each student undertakes a self-assessment of their practice and is also assessed by those responsible for the environment.
Additional Sessions
Theory Discussions are structured to create intimate discussion groups in which students can individually and collectively deepen their understanding of Montessori philosophy and pedagogy in the light of their growing experience. Students may prepare seminar papers to present to the group.
Review Sessions enable students to review their understanding of Montessori philosophy and pedagogy in the light of their growing experience and to prepare for examinations.
Seminars are structured to involve students in discussion on both practical and theoretical aspects pertinent to running a school.
Parent-Infant Sessions gives an overview of running Parent-Infant programmes.
The students are to read books and make use of them for both their written work/essays as well as practice with material and related discussions. The course reading list includes required and recommended titles.
Course Work
Each student is required to make reference manuals based on each piece of equipment shown to them. These reference manuals reflect the curriculum and are evidence of the student’s synthesis of knowledge.
Under supervision students will also engage in material making. All such materials are checked by the Trainer(s).